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  • Writer's pictureGiri Bhat

Collaborating with Developers: Tips for a Productive Partnership

As a product owner in a SaaS cloud company, collaborating with developers is a critical aspect of my role. In our organization, we follow the Scrum methodology, which means that we work in sprints and have a cross-functional team that includes developers, quality analysts, UI developers, and other stakeholders. Over the years, I have learned some valuable tips for collaborating with developers that I would like to share.

1. Involve Developers in the Product Discovery Phase

One of the biggest mistakes that product owners make is not involving developers in the product discovery phase. Developers have a wealth of technical knowledge and can help identify potential roadblocks or technical limitations early on in the process. Involving them in the product discovery phase can also help ensure that the product is feasible from a technical standpoint.

2. Set Clear Expectations

Clear communication is key when collaborating with developers. As a product owner, it is your responsibility to set clear expectations for the product and the development process. This includes defining the scope of the project, outlining the timeline, and communicating any changes or updates as they arise.

3. Prioritize Features

When collaborating with developers, it is important to prioritize features based on their importance to the end-user. There are many prioritization methods that will assist you in this such as MOSCOW method, Value vs Effort Matrix, Eisenhower matrix (google them). This will help the development team focus on the features that are most important and ensure that they are delivered on time.

4. Provide Detailed User Stories

User stories are an essential tool for communicating requirements to developers. When writing user stories, it is important to provide as much detail as possible, including acceptance criteria and any potential edge cases. This will help the development team understand exactly what needs to be done and reduce the likelihood of miscommunications or misunderstandings.

5. Embrace Agile Methodology

In our organization, we follow the Scrum methodology, which emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. Embracing Agile methodology can help facilitate better communication and collaboration between the product owner and the development team. It also allows for greater flexibility and can help ensure that the product is delivered on time and within budget.

6. Schedule Regular Check-ins

Regular check-ins with the development team are essential for ensuring that the project stays on track. This includes daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. Regular check-ins allow the product owner to provide feedback, make adjustments, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

7. Be Open to Feedback

Finally, it is important to be open to feedback from the development team. Developers are experts in their field and can provide valuable insights into the technical feasibility of the product. They can also provide feedback on user stories, feature prioritization, and other aspects of the development process. Sometimes you might disagree with their feedback, in those cases you need effectively manage it to ensure they feel valued and at the same time the best solution is taken up, remember, personal bias has no place in product management. By being open to feedback, the product owner can improve the product and build a stronger partnership with the development team.

In conclusion, collaborating with developers is a critical aspect of the product owner's role. By involving developers in the product discovery phase, setting clear expectations, prioritizing features, providing detailed user stories, embracing Agile methodology, scheduling regular check-ins, and being open to feedback, the product owner can build a productive partnership with the development team and deliver a successful product.

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