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Centralized Integration Hub

To develop a centralized Integration Hub with user-friendly UI for transaction logs and a developer portal to enable secure third-party integrations

Skills used in the project

Tools used in the project


As a Product Owner, I was tasked with leading a team of 16 resources, including developers, quality analysts, and UI developers, to develop a centralized Integration Hub that would act as a conduit between our parent application and any third-party applications that wished to integrate with it. The Integration Hub was also required to capture transaction logs between the parent application and third-party applications and display them in a user-friendly UI to facilitate debugging. Additionally, a developer portal was to be provided to external developers, enabling them to access the available API endpoints with secure, login-based access.


My primary responsibility was to oversee the development of the Integration Hub, ensure that it was delivered on time and within budget, and liaise with the CEO, CTO, and other top stakeholders to ensure their requirements were met. To accomplish these goals, I employed both hard and soft skills, such as communication, project management, and technical expertise.


To begin the project, I first collaborated with the CEO, CTO, and other stakeholders to understand their requirements and break them down into actionable user stories using Jira. Next, I created a workflow diagram using to define the integration process and worked closely with the development team to develop the Integration Hub, which included an API gateway and a message broker. Throughout the development process, I facilitated communication between the development team and the stakeholders to ensure that everyone was aligned on the project's goals and progress.

To create a user-friendly UI for the transaction logs, I employed my expertise in UI/UX design and collaborated with the development team to integrate feedback from the stakeholders.

To develop the developer portal, I first created wireframes using Balsamiq, which we then refined to ensure they met the stakeholders' requirements. Next, I worked with UI developers to design the UI, ensuring that it was both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.We ensured the portal was secure and provided login-based access to authorized users only, using measures such as two-factor authentication and other industry-standard security protocols.


Thanks to my team's hard work and collaboration, we delivered the Integration Hub on time and within budget. The integration hub acted as a centralized conduit between our parent application and third-party applications, making it easier for external developers to integrate with our platform. The user-friendly UI for transaction logs was successfully designed and implemented, enabling debugging to be performed more efficiently. The developer portal was also successfully launched, providing secure, login-based access to external developers and increasing the potential for new integrations.

Measurable Metrics:

To ensure the success of the project, we employed various measurable metrics. For example, we set deadlines for each phase of the project and tracked our progress against these deadlines. Additionally, we measured the number of API endpoints accessed through the developer portal and the number of successful integrations made by external developers. Finally, we tracked the number of transactions captured in the logs and the time it took to debug issues using these logs, allowing us to optimize our processes for more efficient debugging in the future.

Overall, the successful delivery of the Integration Hub was due to my effective project management skills, technical expertise, and collaboration with both my team and the stakeholders. By employing a combination of hard and soft skills, we were able to develop a user-friendly, secure, and effective Integration Hub that met the requirements of our stakeholders and provided our organization with measurable benefits.

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